
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bell Pepper Salad

With the warm weather we've had this week it has made me anxious to get my "garden" growing.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not great in the garden.  In fact I'm better known for my brown thumb.  However, every year the kids and I go out and plant some flowers and veggies around the yard.  The easiest I have found to grow are green beans and cucumbers, even my brown thumb can't seem to kill those.  Cherry tomatoes are ALWAYS in our garden and my son will pick them and eat them right off the vine.  The past few years I've tried eggplant and bell peppers, these seem to be a little trickier and I don't get the abundance of the other veggies but it is always fun to try and the few we do manage to harvest taste that much better for the effort.

So, in keeping with a healthy theme this week I'm bringing you a super easy side salad that you can grow right in your own back yard this summer!  Feel free to do any combination of peppers, I enjoy the orange bells as well.  A balsamic dressing is super yummy on this too. I rate this one a 5 spoons for it's ease, healthiness, and yummyness.  Hope you enjoy!


1 medium red bell pepper, sliced
1 medium green bell pepper, sliced
1 medium yellow bell pepper, sliced
1/4 cup fat-free vinaigrette dressing

Mix peppers in large bowl and toss with dressing.  Refrigerate until ready to serve. 

How easy was that?


  1. that is so easy and sounds wonderful..

  2. super easy! Sounds really good I think i'll try it this summer! I wish
    I lived where you did I would LOVE tomatoes all year round!!!!!!! Nothing beats a home grown tomatoe of ANY kind!!!


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