
Thursday, September 23, 2010


So while I was making dinner tonight I kept having this nagging feeling like I was forgetting something.  While I was cleaning up it hit me.  Today is Thursday.  Today is my day to post a recipe.  Um, oops....I kind of forgot about that! 

Well, that isn't true, I didn't forget.  I was thinking of it in the beginning of the week. I actually had a recipe ready to go and all I needed to do was post it.  But I kept getting side tracked (with things like a sick kid, computer issues, some drama going on in life) and Thursday kind of snuck up on me.  So here it is now, almost 9 pm and I'm just getting my first chance of the day to log onto the computer.  I'm kind of beat and feeling lazy to get it posted now so all I have to serve up to you tonight is a whole lot of excuses with a side of guilt (for myself). 

So since I've got nothing for you how about sharing with me?  When you find yourself tight on time and looking for something easy to put together for dinner (and don't want to order take out again) what do you like to throw together? 

I promise I'll have something good for you next week.

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1 comment:

I'll trade ya a comment for a smile!