
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What's the Name of That Recipe?

I am not even sure what the name of this recipe is...all I know it that it's good! My Great Aunt gave the recipe to my Aunt who gave it to I don't even have a clue where it came from. It's just So good that I had to share:

To get started lay out 2 packages of Philadelphia Creme cheese - they need to come to room temperature.

Start Draining 1 20-oz can of crushed pineapple.

Then get busy chopping:


Chop 1 bunch green onions,


3 colorful bell peppers,


1 medium red onion


and 2 handfuls of pecans.


I know that was a lot of chopping and your tired...but try to stick with me here...your almost to the finish line. Combine all of your hard word and stir to combine.

Then add Philadelphia Cream cheese and drained pineapple. You might be thinking to yourself that you can mix this with a too. But it's next to impossible.

So get your clean hands in there and mix like it's a meatloaf. I promise that even though it's gross...the pay off is going to be so yummy!


Serve with your favorite crackers at any function and I promise everyone will want this recipe! I mean who wouldn't want this little bite of heaven?



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  1. Ooohhhhhh I must have this today!!! Yum-o!!! I am a dip girl. I dip everything on something lol

    thanks for sharing!

  2. (Prittyyyyy photoooos!!)

    This dip is crazy! But if you say it's yum, I'll believe you :) I'll try it out next time we have people over!

  3. Maria - thanks again for sharing on Twitter - I hope that you love it as much as I do.

    Sara - I promise it's yummy. I know it's all weird but the pineapple cuts the onion.


I'll trade ya a comment for a smile!