
Friday, February 4, 2011

Chocolate Gravy {Great for Valentine's Breakfast}


Want to make a special treat for your family? Give this chocolate gravy a try! My family was so aghast that my kids had never had any...but there are a lot regular type recipes that I don't know since I learned to cook from watching the food network. I got this recipe from my Aunt Nita. I asked her to tell me how to make it...but she couldn't. She said I'll make it and you take notes. I tried to talk her out of it since she was over to visit with Grandma and Mother but thank goodness she convinced me that it was no trouble. It's so delicious...and can make biscuits and gravy super duper special.


You will need cocoa powder, salt, sugar, flour and milk.


In a bowl measure out 6 heaping spoons of flour.


Add 12 spoonfuls of sugar and a small dash of salt.


Sprinkle your mixture with half a spoonful of cocoa.


Stir to combine really well. 


You are looking for this color...when you think you have it add another tiny dash of cocoa.


Put 3 cups of milk in a pan on medium heat. When it gets about luke warm add cocoa mixture and stir continuously until thickened enough to coat the back of a spoon completely. It should look like very light melted chocolate. Makes enough gravy for about 12 biscuits.

Pour over biscuits and top with a bit of butter and serve with sausage or bacon.
My uncles all add a ton of butter to each biscuit...I added a dot and it tasted really really good. Nita said that she made this for her kids every weekend when they were little.

Sounds like a good plan to me!



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  1. This looks and sounds so yummy! I think I will have to try to make it.

  2. (Is it bad that I'm *always* distracted by your dishes in your photos? I love the Pyrex and matching glass canisters!!!)

    This recipe looks absolutely sinful, and I really want to make it for breakfast tomorrow!!!

  3. I hope you both like it! Sara - when we do renovations I have 2 musts for my kitchen and dining area...I want a pantry for food with shelves devoted just to dishes...I love them. I have to hold off on buying since I have no room to store them yet.


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