
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kale Chips

Have you heard of these things?  I keep bumping into recipes for them with all the food blogs I read, and I finally decided to just try the darn things.  First off - they aren't chips; they're more a crisp than what we know a chip to be.  I was super tempted to rename the recipe to "Kale Crisps" but because this recipe is making the rounds everywhere right now, I left the name as is.

Ok, so what I do love about this recipe is that it's a ridiculously easy way to get veggies into your diet and greens at that.  Did you know that a cup of kale has just about as much absorbed calcium as a cup of milk?  And it's got a ton of Vitamin A and almost your day's worth of Vitamin C, with fiber to boot.  So, if you're looking for ways to add some greens to your diet, this is pretty darn fantastic.  I almost ate one entire cookie sheet before I even realized it, which is half a bunch of kale.  Madness, I tell you!

A tip to keep in mind:
Do add the oil to lightly coat the kale pieces.  A sprayer like I show in my photo makes it easier to get a light, even coat.  When the kale pieces don't have any oil, they get super crispy and it almost feels like you're putting a big piece of dried parsley in your mouth; it's kinda weird.  The oil and seasoning salt help the flavor and texture in a huge way.


Baked Kale Chips
adapted from Allrecipes

1 bunch kale
1 Tbsp. olive or canola oil
1 tsp. seasoned salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper.

With a knife, or with your hands, carefully remove the thick stems from the kale and tear the leaves into bite size pieces.  Wash and thoroughly dry the kale with a salad spinner or paper towels, making sure no water drops remain.  Drizzle kale pieces with oil, tossing to coat.  Spread the kale pieces among the two cookie sheets and sprinkle with seasoning salt.

Bake until kale pieces are crispy and the center veins turn golden, 10-15 minutes.

Ingredient Lineup:

Before baking:

And after:

Bake until edges are crispy and the veins of the kale turn golden:

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  1. Wow, I will have to try this. I always make a lot of soups and add kale and spinach as much as I can.

  2. Those kale chips look so yummy. I need to try this immediately! My taste buds feel like they're missing out.


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