
Monday, December 19, 2011

A Peppermint Pause for the Holidays

Good Morning!

I just wanted to stop in to say that I'm going to disappear on you for a bit over the next couple of weeks.

You see, I'm always fighting an internal battle of being "in the moment," and during times when my task lists are a million miles long, I especially struggle with enjoying the here and now.  So this year, I'm vowing to let things fall off my gargantuan to-do list.  I'm allowing myself to be ok with doing less.  I'm embracing my inner slacker.  And, as a result, I'm really going to soak in the spirit of Christmas, and that alone makes my heart beat a little faster.

I had a handful of recipes I wanted to post this week, but I let my weekend get jammed with holiday crafting and baking and shopping and sitting with piping hot coffee.  And, honestly, all I can say is, "ahhhhh..."  I'm feeling much more centered already.  And after tomorrow night, my task list will be empty.  Which means that I can fill my evenings with Christmas movies and board games and a baking session or two.  Ahhhhhh...

I hope your holidays are magical and peaceful and filled with things that bring you contentment!

Happiness, Laughter, Love, and Vitality,

p.s.  I've put together a collection of past holiday recipes for easy reference.  Just look up to the new tab above or click this link!  CHRISTMAS COOKIES & CANDIES

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  1. So glad I stumbled upon this message today. Enjoy your Christmas and all of your ahhhhs ... That is my big goal for the rest of this year and all of next.

    karen (vancouver)

  2. I'm so glad that this is something both of us can grab onto and try to wrap our busy brains around :) Have a Merry Christmas, Karen!


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