Rory and me last Christmas Day, playing with a huge pile of dog toys.
Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays, everyone!!
I'm still scrambling to carve out some down time (I fully realize how crazy that sounds), so that I can sit and just soak in the Christmas spirit. Last night was my first evening off, and I spent it taking Rory for a run, inhaling my dinner, and then going to bed early with a book. Ahhhhh... Not spectacularly Christmas-y, but it felt amazing and indulgent, nonetheless.
I've been nagging myself about the fact that I've posted almost zero holiday recipes this year, but I keep coming back to the same answer - I just don't have enough time (or energy) this year. Which then makes me a little sad. But then, I have to remind myself that Christmas isn't about feeding my chronic case of Do Too Much, and that it's ok if I let a few things slide off my enormous list. So, I'm going to let this little blog here take a cozy nap until the New Year, when I'll be back on an enthusiastic health kick.
I just wanted to pause to with each and every one of you lovelies a blessed holiday and to wish you nothing but heart-warming moments. I'll be making a batch of Marshmallows tonight and maybe whipping up a batch of dough for our Jam Cookies. With Christmas music blaring, no doubt.
Christmas + Sugar = Yay!

Ohhhh yessss, I did. This is Rory and me before a 5k last weekend.
And she absolutely wore the whole outfit for the entire 3 miles!
So, yeah, I took this with my phone. But!
You can see our little fake tree from bed! Luuuuvvvvv.
How fun and Christmasty to see a lit tree from your bed. Love it. Merry Christmas to you, Brian and Rory.